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Abyss, The

Spoilers follow! James Cameron is widely viewed as being one of the most difficult and demanding directors, due in large part to the powerful streak of perfectionism that defines his filmmaking. Cameron's most difficult and contentious shoot to...

Run Time: 2:51
U.S. Release Date: 1989-08-09
MPAA Rating: "PG-13" (Violence, Profanity, Nudity)
Director: James Cameron
Cast: Ed Harris, Capt. Kidd Brewer Jr., Kimberly Scott, ...
Into the Abyss

Watching Into the Abyss, I had the overwhelming sense that, somewhere along the way, Werner Herzog lost his way. It happens to the best filmmakers, and that's one of the perils of making a documentary - events don't always go where the man behind t...

Run Time: 1:47
U.S. Release Date: 2011-11-11
MPAA Rating: "PG-13" (Profanity, Violence)
Director: Werner Herzog
Cast: Jason Burkett, Michael Perry, Fred Allen

I have always found there to be something mournful about August. Temperature-wise, it's my second favorite month of the year (behind July), but it always feels more like an ending than a beginning. Perhaps it's the shortening of daylight hours. ...