Movies directed by Bharat Nalluri

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Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day

Amy Adams must enjoy fairy tales - this is the second one in which she has appeared during the last six months. Although Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day differs substantially in many key areas from Enchanted, both movies are anchored by Adams, whos...

Run Time: 1:30
U.S. Release Date: 2008-03-07
MPAA Rating: "PG-13" (Sexual Situations, Brief Nudity)
Director: Bharat Nalluri
Cast: Frances McDormand, Amy Adams, Lee Pace, ...
Man Who Invented Christmas, The

The Man Who Invented Christmas conflates the biography of Charles Dickens (at least until 1843) with the events of one of his seminal works, A Christmas Carol. Watching the film leads one to the conclusion that, although the story might have w...

Run Time: 1:43
U.S. Release Date: 2017-11-22
MPAA Rating: "PG"
Genre: Drama
Director: Bharat Nalluri
Cast: Dan Stevens, Christopher Plummer, Jonathan Pryce, ...