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Godzilla is the ultimate culmination of the "who cares about plot" summer movie. A loose remake of the 1954 "classic" Japanese monster movie, Godzilla, King of the Monsters (which is itself pretty thin in the story department), Roland Emmerich...

Run Time: 2:12
U.S. Release Date: 1998-05-20
MPAA Rating: "PG-13" (Profanity, Violence)
Director: Roland Emmerich
Cast: Matthew Broderick, Jean Reno, Hank Azaria, ...

With 1964's Goldfinger, the third James Bond story to reach the screen, the "Bond formula" had reached maturity. Screenwriter Richard Maibaum, a participant in the scripting of the previous two movies, Dr. No and From Russia with Love, had id...

Run Time: 1:52
U.S. Release Date: -
MPAA Rating: "PG" (Violence, Sexual Situations)
Director: Guy Hamilton
Cast: Sean Connery, Lois Maxwell, Bernard Lee, ...
Good Luck Chuck

A film like Good Luck Chuck makes one appreciate what Judd Apatow has accomplished with his films The 40-Year-Old Virgin and Knocked Up. All three pictures belong to the "raunchy romantic comedy" genre, but Apatow has achieved something impressive...

Run Time: 1:35
U.S. Release Date: 2007-09-21
MPAA Rating: "R" (Profanity, Sexual Situations, Nudity)
Director: Mark Helfrich
Cast: Dane Cook, Jessica Alba, Dan Fogler, ...
Good Shepherd, The

The Good Shepherd is Robert DeNiro's fictionalized account of the birth and early years of the CIA. While the names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent, many of the characters have real-life counterparts. The lengthy movie (15 minute...

Run Time: 2:45
U.S. Release Date: 2006-12-22
MPAA Rating: "R" (Violence, Profanity, Sexual Situations)
Director: Robert De Niro
Cast: Matt Damon, John Turturro Tammy Blanchard, William Hurt, ...
Good Woman, A

It has taken this workmanlike adaptation of Oscar Wilde's play, "Lady Windermere's Fan," more than a year to reach U.S. movie screens. The reason it's here now probably has less to do with a sudden interest in Wilde than it does with the white-hot...

Run Time: 1:30
U.S. Release Date: 2006-02-03
MPAA Rating: "PG" (Mature Themes)
Director: Mike Barker
Cast: Helen Hunt, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Wilkinson, ...
Grizzly Man

2005 has been an uncommonly a good year for documentaries, and Grizzly Man, the latest from acclaimed German director Werner Herzog, does nothing to weaken the field. Grizzly Man is actually three movies in one: a wildlife film about how grizzly b...

Run Time: 1:43
U.S. Release Date: 2005-08-12
MPAA Rating: "R" (Profanity)
Director: Werner Herzog
Cast: Timothy Treadwell
Hal Delrich - Movie professional
Haley Lu Richardson - Movie professional
Hans Heinrich von Twardowski - Movie professional
Hateful Eight, The

The credits for The Hateful Eight proudly proclaim this to be the “Eighth Film” from writer/director Quentin Tarantino. Since catching the movie world unawares with his powerhouse debut, Reservoir Dogs, some 23 years ago, he has worked on...

Run Time: 3:02
U.S. Release Date: 2015-12-25
MPAA Rating: "R" (Violence, Profanity, Nudity)
Genre: Western/Adventure
Director: Quentin Tarantino
Cast: Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Leigh, ...