Run Time: 2:24
U.S. Release Date: -
MPAA Rating: "NR"
Genre: Drama
Director: Kenji Mizoguchi
Cast: Shotaro Hanayagi, Kakuko Mori, Kokichi Takada, Gonjuro Kawarazaki

The characters feel real and their circumstances are less an attempt to manipulate a viewer’s emotions than to offer a commentary on the social and cultural standards of the day.

There are no real characters here, just quickly sketched stick figures in too-tight costumes that deliver a few solid laughs but not much more.

The movie doesn’t do anything well and it’s an open question why anyone would pay money to see a reworking of a premise that offers so little.

Run Time: 2:09
U.S. Release Date: 1973-12-25
MPAA Rating: "PG" (Violence, Profanity)
Genre: Thriller
Director: George Roy Hill
Cast: Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Robert Shaw, Charles Durning, Ray Walson, Eileen Brennan, Harold Gould

One of the most popular, widely-loved films to win Best Picture in the last half-century and an example of grand entertainment.

With a dose of comedy, a dash of romance, and some CGI-heavy battles, the film accomplishes what it needs to do.

What the film fails to deliver in adrenaline, it makes up for with testosterone-flavored laughter.

Run Time: 1:25
U.S. Release Date: 2019-06-07
MPAA Rating: "PG"
Genre: Animated
Director: Chris Renaud
Cast: Patton Oswalt, Bobby Moynihan, Dana Carvey, Lake Bell, Tiffany Haddish, Eric Stonestreet, Harrison Ford, Jenny Slate, Kevin Hart, Hannibal Buress

Although not “bad” in a conventional sense, it’s a disappointingly mediocre effort that doesn’t have a lot to offer potential viewers over age 10.

Run Time: 1:40
U.S. Release Date: 2019-05-17
MPAA Rating: "PG-13" (Profanity, Sexual Content)
Genre: Drama/Romance
Director: Ry Russo-Young
Cast: Yara Shahidi, Charles Melton, John Leguizamo

Although devoid of sophistication, the frothy love story may win over viewers who are predisposed to enjoy this sort of entertainment.

Run Time: 2:43
U.S. Release Date: 1982-10-20
MPAA Rating: "NR"
Genre: Science Fiction
Director: Andrei Tarkovsky
Cast: Aleksandr Kaydanovskiy, Anatoliy Solonitsyn, Nikolay Grinko

By no means an “easy” movie with its somnambulant pace, "Stalker" nevertheless has qualities that make it hard to forget and is recommended viewing for anyone serious about film.

Its status as a minor-league player doesn’t diminish its capacity to entertain (doing a better job at that than some of the higher-profile alternatives).